Some time back I got some road and river sections from Timecast Models of UK. Timecast have an extensive range of latex road and river sections together with matching fords and bridges in a variety of sizes making them ideal for whatever scale of figures one uses. 6mm scale is catered for more than adequately and I find their roads and rivers really enhance the table. Both roads and rivers have raised edges to represent hedges and foliage one tends to find by roadsides and along waterways.
Anyway, when I first received them, I quickly painted and dry-brushed the sections but they were never really up to scratch in my eyes. So these past two evenings I sat down and flocked the edges using Army Painter Field Grass from their Battlefields range and PVA glue. I am really happy with the results obtained and what were tired roads and rivers are now vibrant green with foliage. Anyone know where I can get some 6mm squirrels and otters?
A few of the original road sections with painted edges and dry brushed roadways |
The finished road sections now in full bloom |
A river section with finished bank on top and the original painted bank at bottom. The difference is quite clear. |
The real deal - Army Painter Field Grass. Two thumbs up! |