Monday, 7 February 2022

French 7th Hussars trooper wip in 54mm

 Hi all. At the moment I'm working on a French Hussar model in 54mm (1/35 scale) from M-Model. The figure is painted entirely in acrylics with the exception of a few touches of oils for the black surfaces. All belts and smaller buckles are scratchbuilt. The trooper is practically ready but still needs some tidying up in a few places and his plume needs more highlighting. I plan to start the mount this week and hope to have it all done soon. All pics are taken by mobile phone so please excuse the image quality. Cheers!


  1. No need to worry about image quality. Your handiwork is gorgeous! Splendid hussar.

    1. Many thanks Jonathan! Good to know that the pics are good enough for people to appreciate the model.

      I still haven't been able to sort out the commenting issue. In fact it has now come to the ridiculous extent that I am not even able to post comments in my own blog and I have to write this on my laptop since it is not possible for me to post any comment using mobile devices. The situation is becoming unbearable and seems to have started when I upgraded to IOS15.3. So I apologise to you and fellow bloggers if my comments will be sparse until I sort this mess out.

  2. A lovely job on a tough subject, very nice.

    1. Thank you so much Norm. Yes, the intricacies of the lace and equipment did not make it easy but I don't expect the mount to be any easier - the larger scales are terribly unforgiving.

    2. Looks like a serious modeling project. Are you wearing gloves? It’s strange what different people focus on. The painting and scratch built stuff looks great!

      I get problems with posting comments too. Mainly I get an error screen a lot and the comment doesn’t go through and I’m left writing it all out again. Lately I’ve been typing out comments on the notepad and pasting to the blog: so if I get an error I don’t loose what I wrote.

    3. Hi Stew, many thanks for commenting. Yes, I always wear disposable latex gloves when working as naked fingers tend to leave prints and grime on a model. But when mass producing 6mm figures I don't really bother.

      This comments problem is really getting on my nerves now but it seems there's not much getting around it. I can only use my laptop now to post. Bummer!

  3. Splendid looking hussar and lovely conversion work, you were missed on the painting challenge!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you so much Iain, hope to post the finished model soon.

      Missed the challenge as well but was a bit too busy lately with other stuff unfortunately!

  4. Wow, gorgeous colors and details my friend, truly superb!

    1. Thanks a million Phil! In the meantime the complete model is almost done; just a bit of tidying up left. Hope to present it soon.

  5. Good morning Mike, firstly what a cracking figure and your painting superb. On a second note I have just had to revert to becoming a Windows / Android user because of issues with the Apple / Google / Microsoft software updates. If I can help in any way let me know. Regards Peter

    1. Thank you so much Peter. I had loads of issues following a software upgrade but I managed to solve them some weeks ago now. The figure is now ready and I will be presenting it soon.
